
kakuHida child chap. 14

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Chapter 14
"WOOOAAHH Look at all that food Naru-chan!" Tenshi gasped in amazement.
Naruto and Sakura spread large grins on their faces and began staring with hunger. Naruto made his way to his seat across from Yamato.
"So uh Captain Yamato?" He began to ask.

"What is it Naruto?"

"What's the big deal here? Is all of this really for us?" He began drooling.

Yamato nodded and gestured his hands to go ahead and eat as much as they wanted.
"Neh! Papa there is so much, I don't know what to eat first!"Tenshi exclaimed.

She looked at the large table and picked up her chopsticks, there was too much to choose from. Sakura began eating a piece of fruit that were shaped like flowers.

  "Here Tenshi I already made you a plate while you were getting into your pajamas. There you go." He said as he handed Tenshi a plate of differant food samples from the table.

She smiled and took the large plate and started tasting a starfruit. She saw Naruto with his plate piled high with crab and sushi and other assortments of food.
"How is it Tenshi? I bet it tastes great huh?" Sakura asked.
"It is good Flower-chan, but I'm not sure if I can eat it all." Tenshi giggled.

Naruto was finishing up his crab legs and beginning on a newplate, Sai was in the middle of his eating and Sakura was helping Tenshi cut up her crab.

Naruto began reaching out for more but Tenshi slapped him on the side of the head and shook her head.
"Papa if you eat any more you are going to get sick! Wait a minute for your food to digest!"She ordered him.
"AHH But I'm still hungry." Naruto complained.

Tenshi rolled her eyes and continued eating her food and trying some differant types of veggies on her plate. She thought most of it was pretty good but the she only had a problem with the vegatables. (Definitley something she got from Hidan)

After awhile Tenshi had gotten full from all the food she was eating. She had suddenly felt thirsty, she tugged on Sakura and asked if she could get her some juice.
"Sure, hey Sai can you hand me the juice bottle over there behind you?" Sakura tried asking politely.

Sai said nothing as he grabbed a bottle and handed it over to Sakura, she swiped the bottle and began pouring some into her cup.
"Here ya go sweety, drink up."
"Thanks Flower-chan!"

Sakura had tried to hold back a squeel and resist the urge to hug the child to death. But instead she leaned over and kissed her cheek.
                                 ~10 minutes later~

"What ish you talkin bout? I'm not drunk I is completely shobeeerrrrr!" Tenshi hiccuped.

Everyone had just finished their wonderful meal at the hotsprings, they were full but Tenshi was both full really drunk.

Not just that, but all in all Tenshi was just completely drunk, she was swaying from side to side giving off a drunken state look. Tenshi's face had gone completely beet red and she couldn't balance herself when she stood up.

"No you are absolutely drunken Tenshi-chan, okay who gave her sake?" Yamato said.
Someone must have accidently given her the very strong alcoholic drink, or someone did it purposly *cough cough Sai cough*.

Yamato took Tenshi's arm and helped her stay steady. Naruto and Sakura looked at each other confusingly, Sai gave out a fake yet innocent smile.

"Why ish there a BIG eleaphant  in the room? Are they growing in heeerrreeee?" Tenshi asked pointing to Sakura's big head.

Sakura clenched her fist and held it behind her back trying to hold back a punch at the small drunk girl. Tenshi giggled and started began to hold her fingers up in the light.
"Why do I have six fingers? Did I get another one from papa?" She sighed.

"Totally sober eh?" Sakura chuckled.

"Well I could have sworn you only gave her juice Sakura, and the sake was more towards Sai and you Yamato." Naruto pointed out.

Sakura's head lifted up and remembered that as well, she noticed Sai was drinking some of it but not enough to make him drunk.

"Well I certainly didn't give her any." Yamato confessed.
Well that certainly cleared up on who did it, everyone turned their heads to Sai who was waiting patiently.
"Is there something you need?" He said, giving a smirk at Tenshi.

Naruto stepped forward and took Tenshi away from Yamato, she hiccuped and clapped for more growing elephants. He was pissed off at Sai yet again.

Naruto pointed his finger at Sai's head and began glaring angrily.

"Come near Tenshi-chan again and see what happens, don't touch her, don't talk to her, don't give her anything. Just stay away from her!" Naruto began growling.

Sai was unfazed as he nodded and stepped out of the room, Tenshi continued her small rant on how the flowers were eating the grass.

    "Captain Yamato thank you very much for the meal, I'll be taking Tenshi to bed now." Naruto bowed while holding Tenshi.

"Yes thank you for the meal. I'll be off to bed as well. Naruto are you sure you want Tenshi sleeping with you? I could take her off your hands for a while." Sakura offered.

Naruto shooed her away with his head, he was still going on his promise to never seperate from Tenshi.
"It's okay Sakura, you go to bed."

Sakura flitted out of the room, leaving Yamato and Naruto behind. Tenshi banged her head on a nearby wall as Naruto began leaving the room.

"Ouchie! Papa the walls are hitting meh again!"

"Don't let it hit you then, Tenshi are you ready for bed?"

"Nahhhhh neeehhh stay up and drink hiccup." She replied as soberly as possible.

   Naruto rolled his eyes and opened the door to his room, the light was on and Sai was getting changed into his robe. He was completely naked and standing in the middle of the room when the two walked in.
"GAH! Hey some warning would have been nice!" Naruto covered Tenshi's eyes.
"Neeh I wanna see." Tenshi complained.

"Nothing you need to see you brat." Sai snapped.

Tenshi tried taking the hand off her eyes, but Naruto insisted them to stay their until Sai got dressed. Another hallucination came in and Tenshi began whimpering.

    "NEH! Papa I ish blind!I can't see!" She cried.
Sai was almost finished dressing so Naruto allowed his hand to come off, Tenshi blinked and relaxed.
"You aren't blind your drunk is what you are." Naruto kissed her forehead.
~2 hours of drunkenness later~
Tenshi was still walking around the hot spring's like a drunkard, Naruto made a bet with Sai she would be sober by midnight. He followed her out to the lobby where some people were checking in, Tenshi had long then since henged into a mini Naruto.

    She was very cute, she had long blonde hair in a high ponytail, with sparkling blue eyes and a soft round face. She even had little whiskers to add a touch of kitsune.
She looked over at the people checking in, Naruto found it odd that both were men. One of them was completely covered in clothes, while the other one should learn to keep a shirt on.
Tenshi leaned over on a couch and motioned Naruto over, he followed and took Tenshi by the hand.
"C'mon Tenshi let's go back to the room, you need to sleep." Naruto yawned.

One of the newcomers lifted their head at the name, but only turned it when they saw Tenshi being picked up. Tenshi was yawning and bared a fang at Naruto.
"Nyahhhh! I'm not tired, nor drunk. Stay up and play hahahah!" She laughed out loud.
"Yes you are drunk!" He said a little too loudly.
Tenshi squirmed and got loose from his grip and ran back into the hallway, trying to find a place to hide. She spotted a fountain and hid under it, he followed close behind and easily found her.

   Naruto snatched her from the fountain and put her on his back, she hit him on the head and tried getting away.
"Tenshi it's 11:30 and we have a lot of walking tomorrow, we need sleep and your too drunk to do much!"
"I'M NOT DRUNK NEH!" Tenshi screamed at him
Naruto sighed and opened the door to his room, Sai was sitting and waiting I guess for them to return. He plopped Tenshi onto the futon and sat next to her. Finally beginning to rest.

   Naruto and Tenshi sat on the futon and stretched his arms out wide. Sai neatly began packing up his stuff and putting it into a neat pile. Tenshi on the other hand began acting goofy again and cuddled up on Naruto's chest.

"Ya know for a fox your pretty shexy Papa." She cooed.
Naruto blushed completely and tried prying the child off his chest, but she clutched onto his robe and began tracing his abs. Tenshi shifted her weight onto his chest and held both hands to Naruto's face.

  "T-Tenshi what are you doing." Naruto stumbled.
She leaned in closer to his face and dug her fingers into his back, her face snapped back into reality, realizing what she as doing she quickly got off and backed away. Naruto raised his eyebrow and slowly got up from his spot, following Tenshi into the hallway.

    "NEH! What happened? I have a horrible headache papa." Tenshi hiccupped again.
She held her head and began rubbing her eyes, the moonlight that came into the hallway and shone in them. Naruto got down on all fours to face her.
"You got drunk, Sai slipped sake into your juice and you got all goofy. You might want to go to sleep now, or you will not get up for a while." Naruto told her softly.

   "I am..going to…kill him one of these days." She promised him.
"Well one of those days are not today, lets get you to bed."
He began picking her up, but she wouldn't let him, her stomach began to lurch forwards.
"W-wait papa I feel sick!" She yelled.
"Oh shi-."
     Naruto picked her up and ran down the hallway, Tenshi's back bucked and she began crying in pain. Naruto couldn't see in the dark, the moon was being hidden in the clouds and the light was completely gone.

   Tenshi whimpered and grabbed his robe, trying to make him find it faster. Naruto suddenly spotted a door! It was a bathroom for sure, the kanji on the side said women's.
Naruto set her down and she hobbled over and reached for the knob, going inside she found a double stall, one larger than the other. She stepped inside the large stall and sat next to the toilet.

  He listened on the outside of the door, there was nothing coming from the bathroom.
"Hope she's alright. At least she is beginning to become sober." Naruto thought.
He leaned in closer to hear, there were footsteps coming from the opposite direction, he jumped and saw one of the men from earlier coming down in his towel. He looked pissed off.

   "Damn old man, always getting shitty rooms." Naruto heard him mumble.
Naruto froze and looked into the man's eyes, they were a gleaming magenta color, it scared him when they shined like that. It reminded him of-

    "Hey what the hell are you staring at?!  What am I that sexy?" He growled.
Naruto snapped back to attention and looked away, a noise was coming from the  bathroom, Tenshi was groaning.

"Oh hey your that guy with the little chick, the one who's drunk or what not. Pretty bad parenting if you ask me." The man taunted.
Naruto got scared, the mans eyes bored into his as if to intimidate him, he managed to speak.

   "Uh yes I am but a comrade of mine slipped sake into her drink while no one was looking sir." He tried answering politely.
The man spat on the ground, he gave a twisted smile as his partner began rounding the corner.

  The other man was in a towel as well thank goodness, but gave Naruto the chills when he looked at him.
"Kakuzu finally, dear Jashin if you get any more slower I'll die of waiting." The man complained.

   The one named Kakuzu shrugged and looked to Naruto, Naruto got a good look at him. He had stitches everywhere, even his face. He gulped and tried focusing his attention on Tenshi, it was quiet in there again.
"Hm, lets go Hidan, stop bugging the boy and come with me." Kakuzu ordered.
"Yeah yeah fuckface I'm coming." Hidan rolled his eyes.
Naruto jumped when he heard that profanity, that was just really uncalled for.
"What a foul-mouth." Naruto thought.

   Tenshi reopened the door and swayed out from side to side, Naruto caught her and began putting her over his shoulders. She was able to focus but things were becoming double. Tenshi still appearing like Naruto, in every way.

   Kakuzu raised his head and got a good look at Tenshi, she tried doing the same, but all she could do was begin to pass out.
The two men began walking away, Tenshi laid her head down and began to snore softly, not knowing she had seen her parents.

~The next morning~
"Tenshi are you ready to get up. It's almost time to go." Yamato shook her.
She was definitely NOT ready to get up, her head was pounding when she awoke from her deep sleep. Tenshi opened her eyes but immediately him them from the sun that blinded her.

   "Neh, a few more minutes." She mumbled softly.
Yamato rubbed his head and picked her up, noticing she was already dressed. And not being surprised she was still henged to look like a little Naruto. He knew what it felt like to be drunk.
He picked her up and carried her out to the lobby, where everyone was waiting. Sakura held her arms to take her for a while, Yamato handed Tenshi over and gave Sakura the backpack as well.
"Alright, team Kakashi were heading out." Yamato said.
Everyone nodded and began walking out of the place, Tenshi was tired still, so she layed her head back down and fell asleep again. She was having on ehell of a hangover you could say.

Tenshi woke up in a meadow, a light meadow surrounded by flowers and sounds of birds. She sat up and held her head.
"Oh my head, what the hell did I do last night?" Tenshi moaned.
"You were drunk." A voice told her.

Tenshi jumped up and looked around herself, the voice was not the shadow man, thank god. This voice was more calm and serene and non-threatening. She could recognize it immediately.
"Danna!" She cried.
"Hi brat." He said.
She was overjoyed to see him, he was sitting next to her. He was smiling and wearing his cloak, hiding the inside of his body.

"Sasori, it's so good to finally have a nice dream for once. Are you contacting me through with some jutsu you created? Or is this just another stupid dream body? Are Kuzu and Hidada looking for me? Or did they forget about me?" She kept asking.
Sasori sighed and gathered her in his arms, there was a pause in the sound around them.

  So many questions to answer, unfortunately I don't have long to talk to you. Though I wish I did." He kissed her forehead.
"Danna what are you talking about? I can dream for a long time! You can stay a long time." She huffed.

   "No, because I can only answer a question at a time, and I can only do this for so long with my dead body." He answered solemnly.

Tenshi cocked her head in confusion, he was sort of like Hidan, he was a type of immortal. He couldn't die could he?
"You're not dead! You told me you can't die, you promised to stay with all of us forever." Her lips quivered.

  Sasori hmfed and looked up to the sky, gazing at the beautiful Sun, his hands were placed on his lap.
"I thought that too, Tenshi to answer your question yes I am contacting you just not with jutsu. But from the other side." He explained.
Tenshi took his hand and put it on her chest, it was clammy and cold. She looked to him with a feared expression. He chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Last time I heard, they were going out to look for you. Then things happened." He said slowly.
Tenshi gulped and sucked on her thumb trying to ignore some things.
"What happened?" She asked seriously.
Sasori took a moment to pause and pulled her closer to him, he loved the little girl, but it was almost time for him to leave.

   "It's time for me to go, I can't answer anymore question Tenshi, I'm sorry." He choked. He was fading slowly, slowly farther away from her.
"No Danna don't leave me!" She tried grabbing him.
She slipped right through him and fell to the ground, before he was gone completely he waved and told her.

"No more crying brat alright. I love you Tenshi, stay strong. But you know you should go back to Akatsuki." He tried soothing her.
She shook her head furiously and started crying loudly.
"No Danna, please don't leave me! I don't want you to go." She screamed.

   He said no more as he disappeared and left her sitting in the glowing field to herself. She kept crying and trying to reach out for nothing.
"'s not true, you're a liar Danna your not dead!"
Nothing answered back to her, she was alone in the field, her hands over her eyes. She tasted the bittersweet tears that fell upon her tongue. She didn't want this anymore, she wanted Naruto now!
"Why did this happen? Why does my life fill with hurt when I only thought it was getting better?" Tenshi asked herself.
She embraced herself and kneeled over, there was a complete silence that made her feel uncomfortable. She was being shaken with strong force, it's not like she wanted to wake up just yet. But she knew it was probably time to stop dreaming and get back to hell or reality whatever it was called nowadays.
~dream ending~
Tenshi opened her eyes to see Naruto over her. He was cradling her in his arms and eating fruit.

"Oh hey your up, good it's almost time to eat." Naruto smiled softly.
"Naruto, where is everyone? And no thanks I'm not hungry." She mumbled.
Yamato, Sakura and Sai were sitting around her as well, they were resting near a small fire. It was nighttime and Tenshi was completely wiped out.

   "They're all sleeping, but I told them I was staying up until you got up so you can eat. You've been sleeping all day." He chuckled.
Tenshi only nodded and grabbed a blanket from her bag along with Tora, she covered herself up. Naruto criss-crossed his legs and motioned Tenshi to lay with him.

"Naru-chan, can I tell you something. And you promise not to tell anyone." Her eyes glistened with tears.
Naruto layed his head down on the tree, the fire reflecting his shadow making it tower on the tree.
"Sure Tenshi go ahead. I'll keep it secret."
Tenshi began to tell him the truth.
*sigh* my poor brain T_T
next: Still to come XD
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LovelyAxel's avatar
Nice chapter again..